Hummingbird Music Camp
Sept 27th – Oct 1st, 2023

MROP 2023: Registration Form

Returning Initiated Men (RIM) is a unique program to include already-initiated men in the MROP. Although you cannot be initiated twice, this two day program allows you to continue your journey and support the new men experiencing initiation. The community of men who have been initiated is growing and your connection and support is vital. We are all in this together! 

The MROP component for initiated men starts on Saturday, September 30 at 1:00 PM and will conclude at the MROP closing ritual on Sunday, October 1 at 3:00 PM. Please DO NOT arrive before 1:00 PM on Saturday. As you might recall, this is the day the men are sent into the wilderness. You are invited to be there and to prayerfully support the initiation of a new group of men. We are all there for them rather than for ourselves!

The Returning Initiated Men (RIM) component will include ritual, teaching, prayer, and an opportunity to hold Sacred Space for initiates. You will be present for the final rites of the new initiates and for the campfire celebration following the rites. On Sunday, you will be part of the closing talk and liturgy.

It is imperative that you reserve your place in the RIM program by the deadline date of May 20.  There is a cost of $100.00 which will cover your lodging and dinner on Saturday evening plus Sunday breakfast and lunch. Please be sure to RSVP by completing the RIM registration form and submit it with your payment of $100 by May 8.

Ready to register? Please fill out the form below.

Hummingbird Music Camp // RIM Program 2023 - Registration


Feel free to contact us with any questions.